Everyone's favorite southern belle from the 90s with the thick accent and crazy hair. This is her from the episode "A Rogue's Tale". First episode I ever saw of this series.
You know, it wouldn't kill some of these girls to crack a smile once in a while.
Well I guess that's alright
Okay you can stop now
I 'd really like a smile now
Good enough :)
Yay another smile! Keep it up!
Oh well. You still look cute either way ;)
She has a really cute expression here
Don't you just love it when their lips are in that form? I just find it cute in a way.
Damn. She means business
If you thought the other one was cute, man!! She may be depressed half the time but at least she can pull off some cuteness once in a while!
I find this expression a bit funny. Kind of a "I'm not amused" look.
Yay another smile!
You're doing great!
And now it's over
But another cute expression is here!
And nothing like a nice flower bearing scene to end it. Well that's all for today guys. I figure Rogue pretty much made up for my crumminess this week. I'll see you all tomorrow! May not be as great, but we'll see!